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Pottsville Man Arrested for Shooting at Vehicle in City

pottsville man arrested following shooting in city Tuesday

pottsville man arrested following shooting in city Tuesday

A Pottsville man was arrested Tuesday after police say he shot at a vehicle outside his residence.

According to court papers obtained by The Canary, Andre Jackson – who turned 37 on Wednesday – was apprehended while he was sitting on the back porch to his home at 706 W. Market St., an apartment building, in Pottsville.

Police were originally summoned to the 700 block of West Market Tuesday afternoon at about 12:30. Multiple people in the neighborhood had reported gunshots fired. They say that while en route to the scene, two witnesses told them they saw a man fire a gun.

One witness took a photo of Jackson firing his gun and provided that as evidence to police. Witnesses described the shooter as an African-American wearing a red Level-up shirt, faded jean shorts, black socks and white sneakers. He had a black bag slung over his shoulder when he was spotted by witnesses and appeared to be carrying a handgun in his right hand.

Police got hold of surveillance video from another witness in the neighborhood. That video showed a person matching the description of the suspect coming out of 706 W. Market St. and approaching a gray vehicle. Words were exchanged and the vehicle pulled out and headed west. Jackson is seen in the video chasing after the vehicle and he appears to fire a pair of shots at it. Police say they heard “two loud bangs” on the video.

After canvassing the area, police observed Jackson sitting on the back porch of 706 West Market. He was taken into custody without incident. However, police say Jackson had apparently changed his clothes some time between the shooting incident and his detainment.

Police say Jackson verbally agreed to have authorities search his residence but then changed his mind when asked to sign a written consent. He was taken to City Hall and police say he “invoked his rights under Miranda.”

Meanwhile, while police were attempting to locate and apprehend Jackson, a female and 4 young children came out of the same residence. One of them was carrying a gray and black duffel bag. The woman was uncooperative when confronted by police, according to the arrest papers. She did tell police that she left the same building where Jackson was and that he was inside.

Police also say the woman wouldn’t allow police to look inside the bag. While they attempted to get a search warrant for the bag, police took possession of the bag. A search warrant for the bag was obtained. Police say it contained a “large amount of green vegetable matter” which was determined to be weed. Police also found a pair of jean shorts that they say looked similar to those Jackson was allegedly wearing in the video they saw. And they found a pair of digital scales, too.

Later, someone called in to Pottsville Police saying their vehicle may have been damaged in the incident. Police contacted the person and examined their vehicle, finding damage “consistent with a bullet hole.” They were able to pull a bullet fragment from the door jamb of the man’s minivan.

The man told police he was driving east on Market St. with his wife and two great-grandchildren inside. He’d heard a bang while driving but didn’t notice the damage until he parked his vehicle.

Police got an arrest warrant for Jackson and he was taken before on-call District Judge David Plachko in Port Carbon.

He’s been charged with felony drug possession with intent to deliver and misdemeanor drug possession for the weed found in the black duffel bag. Police also charged Jackson with felony gun possession. Arrest papers indicate Jackson has a previous robbery conviction on his record and is prohibited from possessing a gun.

Jackson’s also been charged with felony aggravated assault and misdemeanor counts of aggravated assault, simple assault, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, and criminal mischief.

He was sent to Schuylkill County Prison on $250,000 cash bail. Jackson is due back in court on July 30 for a preliminary hearing.

Photo: Coal Region Canary

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  1. FTFloridians

    July 22, 2021 at 8:18 am

    With albums titled “Money, Power and Respect” and “Get Rich or Die Tryin'”, “Gangsta’s Paradise” and “F*ck the Police”, our young Black men and women are being led to slaughter,while being fed this aggressive, unproductive, death-cult message, year after year, generation upon generation. The lack of a parental family unit, family structure, rules and guidance, and a willingness to accept the “oppression” tag, fills prisons and coffins with valuable and hopeful, productive young men and women day after day, in every city across America…wake up Brothers and Sisters, NOT to a villainous, violent, anti-everything message of these “new” groups that claim they are for you and your plight, but peddle anarchy, division and lawlessness…CHOOSE to be different, break the mold, be Fathers and Mothers of integrity, with purpose and willingness to be productive in our daily struggles…to give your children “better” lives than past generations…give life.

    • PTFloridians

      July 28, 2021 at 7:19 am

      PTFloridians (FT was a typo)
      …any thoughts from other folks on this “run of the mill” behavior, nationwide?

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