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2020 Election

Alito Moves Up Deadline on Pennsylvania Response to 2020 Election Emergency Injunction Petition

us supreme court pennsylvania election challenge 2020

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito moved up a deadline for Pennsylvania officials to respond to an emergency injunction petition before the high court regarding the 2020 General Election in Pennsylvania.

According to The Epoch Times, Alito made the deadline Dec. 8, instead of Dec. 9.

The emergency injunction petition asked the Supreme Court to step in to stop Pennsylvania from prematurely certifying its election results before legal challenges could be heard. That challenge was brought in a lawsuit by by, among others, US Rep. Mike Kelly and Republican candidate Sean Parnell.

Republican plaintiffs in that lawsuit say Pennsylvania’s Act 77 is unconstitutional. That’s the legislation that ushered in mass mail-in ballots to Pennsylvania for the 2020 election cycle.

Mail-in ballots in the hundreds of thousands rushed in to election officials across Pennsylvania but Republicans believe there’s a chance many of those are fraudulent and at the very least, are illegal because Act 77 wasn’t passed as a state Constitutional Amendment.

A Commonwealth Court Judge in Pennsylvania wrote an opinion in late-November that she believes the lawsuit has merit and plaintiffs are likely to succeed. However, Pennsylvania officials appealed that judge’s decision to order a stay on the state certifying its election results to the state Supreme Court, which tossed the lawsuit entirely. That’s when the Republican plaintiffs appealed to the US Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court was urged by several parties to hear the Pennsylvania case, including by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Alito moving the deadline for Pennsylvania to respond to emergency injunction petition is significant for one reason.

Dec. 8 is known as the “safe harbor” deadline for all questions concerning the most recent election to be settled. The Electoral College meets on Dec. 14 to vote for President. The Epoch Times suggests this means the Supreme Court intends to rule on the emergency injunction that could result in the Pennsylvania vote being invalidated.


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  1. TheTruth

    December 7, 2020 at 8:05 am

    It’s raising my confidence in everything to see our justice system working. I’m not happy that it’s taking so long but it’s great to see things moving along to isnure the integrity of elections.

    I fear the outcome of democrats being in the White House. Whether you like Biden and Harris or not if you don’t realize and understand Biden is not fit to be Commander-in-Cheif your observation abilities should be questioned. The democratic party leaders know he isn’t.
    Mark my words as prediction that of it stands that Biden/Harris won the election legitimately by August 2021 the House will envoke the 25th and remove him making Kamala POTUS which is even more of a nightmare, and worse if I’m right about this is, that then makes Nancy Pelosi vice president. If that happens we can all forget about even considering having any freedoms or the government doing anything at all we tell them to do. The Constitution will get eliminated.

    Biden is not well.
    – He forgets where he is.
    – He forgot what position he was running for.
    – He asks permission from his handlers before saying or doing or saying anything (and still screws up).

    Those are not traits of someone fit or qualified to command a military and fulfill all of the other presidential responsibilities.

  2. Ryles

    December 7, 2020 at 5:39 pm

    Looks like we’re blessed to have a medical expert on line here to share his findings.

    • PTFloridians

      December 8, 2020 at 7:04 am

      So then…how about your honest and unbiased viewpoint on what you’ve seen from Biden thus far…?
      …TheTruth nailed it.
      I’m a medical expert too…your ignorant lil quip of a fair minded viewpoint reeks of ignorance and blindness to…wait for it…TheTruth.

      • Ryles

        December 10, 2020 at 5:57 pm

        No viewpoint. I’m far from a med expert. I’ll defer to our military med experts @ Walter Reed vs on-line moon howlers.

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