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Coronavirus in Pennsylvania

Tom Wolf Stars in COVID Political Theater

So few people dress for the theater these days but when Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf goes, he never forgets his mask. And he also never forgets to let you see him wearing that mask.

For the left, the face mask during the pandemic isn’t about personal safety and responsibility as much as it is showing off. But when the cameras are off, the masks go away.

There are rules for thee, but not for he.

Tom Wolf and Political Theater

We got sick of seeing this routine months ago:

tom wolf political theater hand sanitizer gif

Just more theater. How much do you think Wolf lathers up in sanitizer at home? There’s probably not a drop of it in the Governor’s mansion.

But don’t give us credit for saying Wolf’s COVID antics for the camera is political theater. It’s just that, well, that’s what she said.

That she is State Rep. Wendy Ullman of the 143rd district.

During a press conference recently, a hot mic caught Ullman and Wolf talking about how they’d planned to let their masking and unmasking be seen.

Check out the tweet below from the Young Republican National Federation:

Here’s more theater:

And who can forget the queen of early political theater here in Pennsylvania? That’s Pennsylvania Senate Democrat press secretary Brittany Crampsie, who back toward the beginning of the pandemic, created quite a stir when she posted a photo to Instagram showing herself giving a haircut to one Senate Democrat. The issue with the photo was that it came during the prolonged shutdown of barbershops and salons in the state.

Remember, rules for you, not them.

But they’re the first ones to tell you, nay, lecture you on the importance of wearing a mask. And they’re always the first ones caught breaking the rules.

She followed up her performance in the Spring with this show in the Fall, in a now deleted Instagram post. She’s crammed into a car with 3 other people, one of whom appears to be the guy she gave a haircut back in May. No masks.

Pennsylvania isn’t the only ones filled with these liberal hypocrites who think they’re above you.

During his opening monologue on Wednesday, Tucker Carlson exposed CNN’s Chris “Fredo” Cuomo as another big hypocrite.

Not only did Fredo pretend to quarantine when he was allegedly infected with COVID earlier this year, he’s now been called out by his building’s landlord for being seen no wearing a mask in public spaces.

You can check out his segment here:

This show needs to come to an end.


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