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Schuylkill County Democrats Plan Pottsville Protest in Support of Post Office on Thursday

save the post office protest pottsville pa dan meuser

save the post office protest pottsville pa dan meuser

The Schuylkill Democratic Action Group plans to hold a protest outside the office of US Rep. Dan Meuser (PA-9) on Thursday in support of the US Postal Service.

The protest is scheduled for this Thursday, Aug. 20, starting at 1 p.m. in front of the Congressman’s office. That’s at the Losch Plaza building on Progress Avenue in Pottsville.

The protest is part of a nationwide network of protests planned for that day. And it’s hosted locally by the Schuylkill County Democrats and Gary Wegman, who’s running against Meuser in the November General Election.

Todd Zimmerman, Secretary of Schuylkill County Democrats, tells The Canary, “We are urging Americans to purchase a book of stamps that day to show our solidarity with the Post Office Workers.”

He also notes that the protest is being launched in the hometown of former Postmaster General Megan Brennan.

And this will be the second protest of the day in Pottsville. Earlier in the day, a group is expected outside Schuylkill County Courthouse to protest Commissioner George Halcovage’s refusal to resign from office following allegations he harassed female employees there.

SEE: Halcovage Protest Rescheduled for Thursday at Schuylkill County Courthouse

Schuylkill County Democrats Plan Protest in Support of US Postal Service on Thursday in Pottsville

Democrats now believe President Donald Trump is somehow sabotaging the US Postal Service ahead of the election this Fall. They think Trump’s doing this to prevent people from voting by mail rather than turning up at their local voting precinct on account of the coronavirus pandemic.

On Sunday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called Congress back to session to investigate the moves they say Trump is making with the Post Office ahead of the election. It’s alleged Trump is removing mail sorting machines and delivery drop boxes nationwide.

Critics of this stance say these cuts at the US Postal Service were planned in advance. But Democrats say Trump is doing this to sabotage the election in November.

Democrats have been pushing voters to use the mail-in voting system in place in Pennsylvania to avoid potential exposure to COVID-19 at polling locations despite there being no reports of any outbreaks or infections tied to the June 2 Primary election in Pennsylvania, held much earlier in the pandemic.

Wegman posted this video to social media over the weekend.

“I’m mad as hell because our postal system is under attack,” Wegman says.

Zimmerman adds, “We support our postal union brothers and sisters, The Postal Service is part of our Constitutional heritage and all Americans should fight for its survival.

“We are gathering at Congressman Meuser’s office because he has been silent on this issue. We are calling on Congressman Meuser to take immediate action to ask for the resignation of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

“Under DeJoy’s watch, service has suffered from the removal of high speed mail processing machines and blue post office boxes,, and we are asking for them to be reinstalled.

“Our rural communities and senior citizens depend on the USPS for critical materials including medical prescriptions. Also, our citizens need a safe and secure way to get and return mail-in ballots in this presidential election. We encourage all Americans to participate in our peaceful protest.”

Meanwhile, on July 27, Meuser helped introduce the Stop Main-In Voter Fraud Act in Congress.

“The integrity of elections should be of the utmost importance to every American. Shocking examples of mail-in voter fraud, coupled with the adoption of new forms of voting in recent months, make it imperative for Congress to send a message of zero-tolerance for those who try to tamper with votes,” Meuser says. “Submitting a fraudulent vote is, literally, stealing a vote. Additionally, a fraudulent vote cancels out a legitimate vote cast by a law-abiding citizen, effectively suppressing that legitimate vote. The Stop Mail-In Voter Fraud Act sends a clear warning to anyone thinking of tampering with mail-in ballots that they will be subject to significant penalties, possibly including jail time.”


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  1. Rob

    August 17, 2020 at 5:41 am

    Hasn’t this Wegman idiot ever heard of Amazon, FedEx, DHL, or UPS? Those postal delivery entities have been providing a much better, faster, service than USPS ever has. People can get packages they order online the same day they order it through other postal service and we’ve had to choose other services because the post office doesn’t offer as good or as fast of service. The postal service has been falling behind because it hasn’t been keeping up. It is sad to see a historical service like the post office not being the go-to anymore, but it’s not the go-to anymore because there are better,faster, more reliable services. Tracking capabilities is an example. Postal Service tracking is slow and out dated vs. you cal watch, almost in real-time, where your package is (exactly) on an online digital map through other services.
    The technology has been there for anyone to use. USPS has been choosing not to upgrade and offer competitive service. When you’re not the best anymore because you choose not to improve of course you’re going to start losing. The answer is upgrading our post offices and them deciding to be the best by upgrading and offering the services people want. They haven’t been doing that.

  2. coalregion12

    August 17, 2020 at 7:42 am

    The USPS has been in financial trouble for a LONG time now. People in the Coal Region are worried about: Unemployment, Covid-19, Drug/Crime, Infrastruture and Taxation.
    USPS troubles are probably the LEAST of their worries.
    Who remembers years ago the Dems complaining about cuts to School Lunches for kids, cuts for roads(remember all bridges in America were going to fall apart) NPR(yes they complained Big Bird would have to find a real non-taxpayer funded job), Public Transportation(yes, SEPTA which just keeps on sucking money like a big fat pig, also STS!!!), many more pork related projects the Dems(also many Republicans too) like to back to keep their Union Brothers Happy.
    Nancy says JUMP and Viola, our local Dems go into action!!!!!

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