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Jaws Joins Effort to Help Restore Pottsville Maroons 1925 NFL Championship

Ron Jaworski visits Pottsville to back the Maroons.

Ron Jaworski has joined the effort to help restore the 1925 NFL Championship to the Pottsville Maroons.

The legendary Philadelphia Eagles quarterback was at Schuylkill County Historical Society headquarters on Saturday for a fan meet-and-greet, which serves as a fundraiser ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Pottsville team being robbed of its 1925 title by the NFL.

Jaworski received a hero’s welcome at the Historical Society building on Centre St. in Pottsville on Saturday afternoon. Several hundred fans turned out – braving the traffic and parking issues caused by the ongoing Yuengling celebration being held simultaneously – to get the opportunity to meet the quarterback who led the Birds to their first Super Bowl appearance in 1980.

Fans were able to chat with Jaworski for a minute or two while he signed memorabilia and handed them Pottsville Maroons posters he signed.

During the event, Pottsville Mayor Dave Clews presented The Polish Rifle with a key to the city. It’s a honor he takes seriously and which Jaworski genuinely appreciated.

Clews explained how much having the Maroons title restored to its rightful owners means to Pottsville.

“I’ve gotten calls from Arizona asking if I’d lift the Pottsville Curse. I said I don’t want to be tarred and feathered in the town square,” Clews joked.

The Pottsville Curse is a growing legend among NFL fans. Many believe the Cardinals franchise (then in Chicago and now in Arizona), which was wrongly awarded the 1925 title after the NFL stripped the Maroons of it, is cursed from success because of its ill-gotten title.

Any time something bad happens to the Cardinals these days – and that happens quite often – there are calls on social media to respect the Pottsville Curse to lift the jinx many believe hangs over that franchise.

Schuylkill County Commissioners Larry Padora and Gary Hess, a die-hard Eagles fan, also made a presentation to Jaworski on Saturday.

Ron Jaworski and the Pottsville Maroons

Jaworski said the first call he made after agreeing to come to Pottsville to support the Maroons cause was to NFL historian Ray Didinger.

From that call, Jaws said he learned that the Pottsville Maroons were the best team in all of professional football.

“That’s a banner you should all hang and wear very proudly. You represent the history and legacy of professional football,” Jaworski said. “Football, even a hundred years later, has a way of bringing people together.”

The former quarterback turned NFL analyst said it’s important to recognize the history of the league.

“I’m deeply honored that you asked me to come up here and say a few words and try to bring as much recognition as I could bring,” Jaworski said.

He offered a piece of advice to the team working to restore the Maroons 1925 title.

“Never quit. Never give up. Battle to the end,” Jaworski said. “Here we are, a hundred years later and you guys have never given up and I applaud that.”

Diana Prosymchak, the executive director of Schuylkill County Historical Society, was thrilled to have someone with the star power of Jaworski willing to help bolster the Maroons chances of getting their title restored.

“It is awesome having him on our side,” she said. “I think this is going to be great. I think we will be taking that championship down the streets of Pottsville. I can’t wait until next year to have the biggest parade ever and bring it back.”

Grandson of Maroons QB Honored by Former Eagles QB Support

In attendance on Saturday was Jim Ernst. He’s the grandson of the quarterback of the Maroons 1925 title team, Jack Ernst.

Ernst said having someone like Jaworski getting behind the Maroons story, it gives the team a chance at finally being recognized as the rightful title holder.

“I think it’s fantastic. On the cusp of a hundred years, if we can finally get some momentum, we’re behind it 100 percent,” Ernst said.

He added that he doesn’t believe the NFL really cares too much about the Maroons story but if Pottsville’s tale gained more notoriety – and having people like Jaworski behind it certainly helps – the league wouldn’t want that story told unless the championship was properly restored here.

Ernst said the key to giving the Maroons a chance at getting the title back is making the story go viral.

“I think it would be wonderful if they would give it back. I think they deserve it,” Ernst added.

Die-hard Eagles Fans Get to Meet Jaws

Saturday’s event allowed Eagles fans the opportunity to meet one the franchise’s living legends in Jaworski.

Joe Palko remembers seeing Jaworski play when he and his father would attend Eagles games in the 1970s and 80s. He remembers the first game he saw was in 1979 between the Birds and the Raiders.

“It was a big part of my childhood,” he said. “I wanted to be here and see him and I’ve always been trying to get his autograph.”

On Saturday, Palko brought a pair of Eagles helmets for Jaws to sign, including a the throwback kelly green one that’s very similar to the one Jaworski wore in his time with the team.

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