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Schuylkill Arts

Where’s George? The Mystery Behind the Missing Art at the Courthouse

We’ve got an art emergency at the Schuylkill County Courthouse.

A few weeks ago, regulars at Schuylkill County Commissioners meetings noticed something missing.

We all wondered, “Where’s George?”

No, not that George.

On a wall for years was an art print featuring George Washington. No one can remember if it was the Founding Father crossing the Schuylkill or him at Valley Forge.

One thing was certain … George was gone.

(Photo: Coal Region Canary)

And we were all curious … where did George go?

Had someone removed the print because it was getting cleaned? No, you don’t really need to get prints cleaned or restored.

Was George so upset by the presence of that silly caution tape that he up and rolled from the Commissioners Board Room?

Perhaps. But no, that’s not what happened.

We’ve since learned the Washington print was actually the personal property of former Commissioner George Halcovage. And he apparently removed it prior to his departure from office.

Now, after we all consume the irony of him removing that personal property from the Courthouse and the debacle over his returning County property earlier this week, let’s explore the real pressing issue here … What should be done with the gaping hole on the wall in the Board Room?

Artwork Needed for Schuylkill County Commissioners Board Room

Last week, we made some suggestions as to how to fill the gap on the wall where George (Washington) once hung.

Commissioner Gary Hess laughed at our suggestion of replacing the Washington print with one of Trump crossing the Swamp.

Trump crossing the Swamp artwork
Some people probably already triggered by the suggestion.

So, that’s probably not going to fly.

We thought maybe the classic A Bold Bluff painting by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge from the Dogs Playing Poker series?

A Bold Bluff
Hard to say no to a classic, right? (Image:

Commissioner Larry Padora even chimed in, jokingly suggesting the Yuengling print that features dogs.

No, no. None of those will work.

So, we thought … how about some artwork made famous by Seinfeld. Any time life presents a situation, it’s always a safe bet to reference Seinfeld. And it’s got plenty of art references.

Like, how about Kramer?

Kramer painting
“I sense great vulnerability. A man-child crying out for love. An innocent orphan in the post-modern world.”

Or maybe The Timeless Art of Seduction?

Timeless Art of Seduction
“We’re not going to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. The key word is ‘tasteful’.”

If none of those work, maybe one of those 3D art posters that were so popular in the 90s. Weird, wild stuff.

Magic Eye poster
Keep your eyes unfocused …

But Seriously, Folks …

Unfortunately, none of these will work inside the Commissioners Board Room.

But we definitely do have the perfect solution and we hope it’s one that Hess, Padora, and Commissioner Boots Hetherington can come together and agree upon … go local!

The Commissioners absolutely should reach out to the local art community to fill the void on the walls of their Board Room. Technically, our Board Room.

So, our plea to the Commissioners is this, and it’s a simple, no-brainer:

Contact the local artist communities – like the Walk-In Art Center in Schuylkill Haven, the Tamaqua Arts Center, the Schuylkill County Council for the Arts in Pottsville, and any other similar organization that exists in Schuylkill County – and figure out how to fill that gap on the wall, and other empty spaces on the walls inside the Board Room and the entire Courthouse with the work of local artists.

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  1. Coalregion12

    January 23, 2024 at 9:35 pm

    Perfect! Our local high school art departments will ,I am sure, gladly participate.

  2. Cheryl Ann Eberwein

    January 24, 2024 at 6:01 am

    Why not monthly rotations of different artists? Then publish each of them as they are hung?

    • Canary Commenter

      January 24, 2024 at 8:40 am

      That’s exactly what we are thinking, especially when it comes to getting them here on The Canary.

  3. Karen Roeder

    January 24, 2024 at 7:56 am

    And there is the answer!!! Coalregion12 has the answer! Local students from the County should have their original works hung on a rotating basis throughout the courthouse as well as those works from local artists. Great idea!

  4. Karen Roeder

    January 24, 2024 at 7:57 am

    And there is the answer!!! Coalregion12 has the answer! Local students from the County should have their original works hung on a rotating basis throughout the courthouse as well as those works from local artists. Great idea!

  5. Val

    January 24, 2024 at 11:35 am

    Just hang a “Black Square” (1915).. it might add some mystery and drama to the space, also show that the commissioners have a deep knowledge of World Art:-))

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