A magnitude 3.4 earthquake struck around Mifflintown, Juniata County, just around 8:30 p.m. Wednesday.
So far, one person in Tower City says they felt it.
And for the rest of the night, everyone will ask anyone they know, “Did you feel it?”
The exact geo-location of the earthquake is 40.422°N 77.503°W, which is actually in the middle of State Game Lands in rural Juniata. The closest town name on the map is Honey Grove. And since no one knows where that is, they say Mifflintown, which takes less explaining to say where it is.
The quake was also felt as close by as Herndon, Sunbury, Myerstown, and Reading in all directions from Schuylkill County, according to early reports.
Pennsylvania Earthquake 2019 – Did You Feel It?
Did you feel the earthquake where you are in Schuylkill County?
It’s possible.
If you did feel it, tell the U.S. Geological Survey so they can report it. Here’s a LINK to their site to report it.
The depth of this earthquake is measured at 29 km. According to the USGS, earthquakes closer to the surface shake harder than those at lower depths. For example, an earthquake at 29 km, like this Mifflintown earthquake, shakes harder than one at 500 km.
We’ll keep our eyes peeled for any reports of damage from that area.
Pennsylvania Earthquake 2019 Meme
By law, someone is required to create and share an earthquake meme soon after it happens. This is especially true if it’s a minor earthquake like the Pennsylvania Earthquake 2019. So here’s a chance to get your fresh Pennsylvania Earthquake 2019 Meme.
Thanks for the tip, Coal Speaker!
Cecile Gluth
July 7, 2019 at 8:27 pm
Thanks for the article. Did you hear about that earthquake in California? My mom lives down there and I’m pretty worried there will be more quakes. I really appreciate any advice you can give.