Just one more term in office. That’s all career politician Dave Argall needs to give homeowners relief from school property taxes.
After all, what’s one more term? He’s been fighting his whole career — since 1985 — to end school property taxes in Pennsylvania.
At least, that’s what he wants you to believe.
One. More. Term.
Argall Always Promises School Property Tax Relief
In Argall’s perpetual “next term” he’ll finally conquer this issue. Surely, it’s kept him up at night for decades …
Never mind that school property taxes have gone steadily up – never down – during Argall’s 35 years in the state legislature. That’s 24 in the State House and 11 in the State Senate.
Never mind that Argall himself is a big reason school taxes have skyrocketed since 2001. That’s when he voted to increase the pension for public school employees by 25%, while jacking his pension by 50%.
Never mind that Argall has a lustful eye on higher office. He could bolt the legislature at the drop of the hat to run for Congress or Lieutenant Governor.
Never mind that Argall covets his alliance with state House and Senate leaders. They fiercely oppose school tax elimination.
Never mind that Argall has collected thousands of dollars in political contributions from labor unions, the sworn enemy of school property tax elimination.
And never you mind that smooth-talking Argall is the poster child for career politicians with a golden parachute that grows bigger the longer he is in office.
One More Term
“One More Term” should be Argall’s campaign slogan, and a golden parachute should be his campaign logo. Because aside from higher school taxes, there is only one certainty if Dave Argall serves another term: his pension and ego grow astronomically.
Argall’s actual campaign slogan, “One of us, working for us”, is laughable.
He pockets a legislative salary of $101,000 a year, despite the fact that the legislature is only in session 75 days a year. That allows him to earn thousands more teaching college on the side.
Does that sound remotely like you or your lifestyle? Didn’t think so.
The only thing Dave Argall works hard for is his own re-election. He knows the school property tax is a bone of contention among his constituents, as more and more homeowners – especially senior citizens – are struggling to afford that burden.
As a crafty politician, he has positioned himself as the legislature’s leader on the issue. But does Argall intend to ever actually deliver?
Just one more term.
Paul O
December 23, 2019 at 7:59 pm
Argall is slicker than snake shit.
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